Basically, I am a worker drone. I don't say that with any sort of deprecation - my current role as drone is actually far more enjoyable than previous iterations - just a simple statement of fact. For a few years a while back, I thought I would be a writer. Then I realized that it is very difficult to get someone to pay you to sit around and write all day (I once tricked a company into doing it, but it wasn't much fun, as I had to be constantly alert so as to not get caught). Instead, I took the easy way out, because I am, in fact, rather lazy, and let writing become a hobby, wedging it in when I could find the time, but never really making the time. I've submitted a couple of short stories, one to a journal, one to a competition, and was rejected both times. The journal, I didn't mind, but the competition rankled me. At first, it was because I felt worthless. Later, it was because I felt stupid.
What changed? I read some of the stories that they accepted, then thought to the drivel that I had submitted, and two questions popped into my head:
- What the hell was I thinking?
- Why didn't I write something better?
This was two and a half years ago, and signaled a sabbatical from writing for me. I took part in a few NaNoWriMo events, "completing" novels in 2011 and Camp NaNo in July of 2013, but mostly avoiding the act of writing outside of that. Lately, I have realized that even before submitting the rejected contest story, I wasn't really writing much, either. I had stopped long before that. That was my big mistake. I should have been immersed in writing - exercises, short stories, editing my novels, rewriting my novels, developing characters, reading about writing, just plain READING and just plain WRITING.
Even more recently, I started blogging again, trying to keep track of my experiences in planning a wedding (co-authored with my super-awesome bride-to-be), as well as home-aging bourbon, and, occasionally just rambling about some topic or other. So, I figured, why not a blog for my writing? I'd had an idea a few years ago to release a novel serially via a blog, pretending to be the main character of the novel. I think the idea would have worked for a while, as the novel started out as the chronicles of a sad-sack office drone trying to make his way in life. As the novel progressed, however, the tone shifted to something far more science-fiction-y and fantastical, so I think that would have tipped off readers. And then, there's the idea that if anyone actually followed the blog, and believed this character to be a real person, how would they react when they started to realize that it was all fake?
In any case, that never materialized, though I did finish the first draft of that novel, and so I thought I might try serializing it on a blog devoted to my own writing. It needs work, so that won't be happening right away, but I have other works that I might post, some things that have been posted elsewhere, and some things that few others have read. I also plan on reviewing books that I've read/will read. Essentially, I'm not sure what, exactly, I will post here, just that it will be devoted to writing, and maybe this will get me back into writing the way I was after college.
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